Become a member to support and feed into ACJRD activities.
Membership is open to personnel working in or associated professionally with the criminal justice system. It embraces all those concerned with the prevention and treatment of adult and juvenile offenders. Members may be retired or serving personnel. Individual members participate in a private capacity and do not represent their organisation or commit them in any way.
Associate membership may be offered by invitation to persons undertaking research related to the criminal justice system. Many ACJRD activities are open to non-members. However, members get reduced rates.
Member Benefits
Members receive discounts for our Annual Conference as well as preferential bookings for certain events and invitations to a limited number of member only events. ACJRD Membership also grants access to the Members section on this website.
How to join ACJRD
Memberships run for the calendar year January - December.
Three types of ACJRD membership are available: Individual Membership €35.00, Organisational Membership €155, Student Membership €10
Please click on the relevant link below to take out, or renew, ACJRD Membership and make your payment online. Payments are processed via PayPal but a PayPal account is not required, simply select 'Pay with Bank Account of Credit Card'. If you prefer to make payment offline please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
All membership fees go towards administration costs.
Code of Conduct for Members
The purpose of the Code of Conduct for Members is to set out standards of behaviour expected from members of the ACJRD.
All members are requested to read and comply with the Code of Conduct for Members.
Please click here to view the ACJRD Members Code of Conduct
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Criminality is a complex phenomenon requiring sophisticated responses from many contributors. Dealing effectively with offending behaviour goes beyond the remit of any one agency. There are limited opportunities for dialogue within the criminal justice system between individuals from various backgrounds / orientations. ACJRD provides a unique opportunity for sharing information and the possibility of developing a coherent approach.
Effective policies need to be based on solid evidence. Current programmes should be evaluated constantly to up-date and improve methods. Vigorous debates are required, informed by appropriate statistical information and research. ACJRD aims to provide a forum for discussion and a stimulus to research. ACJRD is not a pressure group for change and is not aligned politically.