Association for Criminal Justice Research & Development trading as ACJRD, is a company limited by guarantee not having a share capital, registered in Dublin, Ireland. Registered Company No. 340129 - CRA 20050573 - Registered Charity No. CHY 15012.
Patron The Hon. Mr. Justice Michael Moriarty
The ACJRD Council
* Chairperson Ms Mary Griffin (King’s Inns)
* Secretary Mr James O’Mahony (Revenue Commissioners)
* Treasurer Ms Noella Carroll
* Ms Pauline Shields (An Garda Síochána Inspectorate)
* Ms Sophia Carey (The Policing Authority)
* Ms Donna Creaven (Irish Prison Service)
* Ms Ruth Penney (Courts Service)
* Mr Gerry O'Brien (Department of Justice)
* Ms Lynsey Black (Maynooth University)
* Ms Susan Leahy (University of Limerick)
* Ms Una Doyle (The Probation Service)
* Ms Aoife McNicholl
* Mr Ian O'Donnell (University College Dublin)
* Ms Deirdre Manninger (Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions)
* Ms Ciairin de Buis (The Parole Board)
Executive Director Ms Orla O'Neill
In addition to our Council and Staff members the ACJRD has a number of member Working Groups, for more information on these groups please see the Working Groups Page