
ACJRD Annual Conferences
ACJRD now holds their annual conference in June (previously October) each year. Details and reports from these and other ACJRD conferences can be found below.

Irish Criminal Justice Agencies Conferences
The annual Irish Criminal Justice Agencies (ICJA) Conference is a collaboration of the Department of Justice, the Department of Children Equality Disability Integration and Youth (DCEDIY), The Courts Service, An Garda Síochána, The An Garda Síochána Inspectorate, The Irish Prison Service, The Policing Authority, The Probation Service, The Office of the DPP, The Office of the Revenue Commissioners and the ACJRD.

Martin Tansey Memorial Lectures
The ACJRD marks the contribution Martin Tansey made to Criminal Justice in Ireland and to this association with a Memorial lecture each spring. Information and papers from the lectures which have taken place since the inaugural event in 2008 can be found below.

Annual Reports & Accounts
ACJRD Annual Reports provide a summary of the events and activities for each year under the following headings: Research, Events, Membership, Working Groups, Newsletter, Commitment to Achieve Change, Governance and Associations Memberships.
ACJRD's annual accounts are audited in line with company and charity legislation in Ireland. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.

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