Mary Griffin and Maura Butler

In a big change for ACJRD, Maura Butler retired as Chairperson at our Annual Conference on 12 June, having taken up the role in 2007. Mary Griffin, CEO and Under Treasurer of the King’s Inns, has taken up the role from Maura.

Maura served on the board of ACJRD since 2004. During her time with ACJRD, along with our Council members, Maura guided ACJRD through activities – such as conferences, seminars and working groups – which were designed to lead to increased mutual understanding and provide insights into the problems with which all are confronted.

Along with the 2024 Annual Conference focus on the future of drug policy, prior ACJRD conferences during Maura’s tenure have shone a spotlight on victims; preventable harm; cybercrime; unlocking the power of data; accountability and monitoring; Brexit; post-pandemic policy and practice; exit from custody; perspectives on sex offending; coercive control and domestic abuse; youth justice; women; minorities; social inclusion; and how gender impacts diverse experiences, among other themes. 

The Irish Criminal Justice Agencies conferences, organised in collaboration with our partners in the criminal justice agencies, have considered race and migration; community; trauma responsiveness; evidence-informed decision making; penal policy reform; and human rights of vulnerable suspects and offenders, to name but a few. 

The annual Martin Tansey Memorial Lectures, which mark the contribution Martin Tansey made to Criminal Justice in Ireland, covered areas such as the sentencing of children, the benefits and challenges of technological improvements and criminal justice culture(s) in Ireland, amongst other topics. 

We wish Maura a long and happy retirement, and are delighted to welcome our new Chairperson, Mary Griffin, CEO and Under Treasurer of the King’s Inns, who will be taking up the role from Maura